Cultivate your Divine channel
Commune with the sacred plant medicine Huachuma
Hosted in the Sacred Valley of Peru
February 8th - 15th, 2025

"Hands down the most transformative, healing and empowering experience of my life..."
-Belle Paniagua-Novak, retreat participant

Huachuma is a brilliant & beautiful plant teacher, ally, and medicine that guides you into a state of consciousness where the truths of love, possibility and unity are remembered and experienced.
The healing that huachuma facilitates cannot be comprehended or described in words... only lived and experienced.
The gifts of Huachuma:
Cultivate Love
Huachuma opens the heart in indescribable ways, inspiring relational healing and supporting you in experiencing evermore love, joy and gratitude.
Remember Your Identity
This beautiful plant teacher reminds you of your *inherent* lovability and worthiness, rooting you in the truth of who you are... an unconditionally loved and endlessly supported child of God and Pachamama (mother earth).
Let Go of What No Longer Serves You
Huachuma reveals what is possible for you and empowers you to live according to what is possible for you instead of repeating cycles of the past. Ceremony with huachuma encourages you to forgive, let go and move forward with ease and faith.
Healing on All Levels
Ceremony with huachuma facilitates healing on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It reveals how our own consciousness contributes to the creation of dis-ease and shows us the way towards optimal health and well-being.
Restore Unity Consciousness
Huachuma awakens awareness of our unity with Divinity, our Mother Earth, and each other. Through the realization of our inherent unity, trust in life is restored which allows us to surrender control, consciously direct our divine power to create, and live with love, peace and faith.
Receive Life-Changing Insight
Huachuma is a brilliant, endlessly loving plant spirit that provides the insights that are most beneficial and relevant to you and your intentions, providing transformative insight on your life’s path, purpose, relationships, and more.
Relinquish Fears and Limiting Beliefs
Plant medicine helps us dissolve our limiting beliefs, conditioning, programming and fears, allowing us to access and experience an expansive sense of love, divine truth and possibility.
Testimonial by Sahara Rose

Host of The Highest Self Podcast & author of Discover Your Dharma
Join us
to experience the transformational magic of:
Akashic Practice - a.k.a. Accessing the Akashic Records / Channeling Divine Perspective.
Huachuma Ceremony - a.k.a San Pedro… Huachuma is a plant medicine, a cactus, that is renown for its heart-opening properties and miraculous healing potential;
Indigenous Peruvian Workshops & Ceremonial Experiences that support your intentions.

within a small, intimate group in one of the most beautiful & sacred places on earth...
The Sacred Valley of Peru❣️

"This was my first plant medicine ceremony, and I felt like it was the perfect experience and group of people to do it with. The retreat was a portal where time and a sense of the past dissolved, where I entered a realm of presence and transformation. The experience was far beyond what I imagined… I felt safe, held, and guided in Akashic and huachuma exploration."
- Stefanie Sundara, 2x retreat participant

Channeled Akashic Workshops: These will be designed according to your specific, personal intentions for coming on retreat.
Huachuma Ceremonies: Two huachuma Ceremonies (both ceremonies will be daytime hikes amidst some of the Sacred Valley's most majestic mountains renown for their strong spiritual energy).
Other Ceremonial Experiences: Temazcal (sweat lodge) for purification and re-birth; a Sacred Tobacco Prayer Ceremony to amplify the power of your prayers and effectively direct your intentions; a Despacho - a traditional Andean ceremonial offering to Pachamama and blessing upon your life; and more!
This will be a small, intimate, semi-private retreat, reserved for only 5 - 8 participants.
The retreat itinerary will cater specifically to you...
Upon registration, we'll meet 1:1 so that I may get to know you and your intentions for registering, & provide a personalized experience that best serves you.
Your Retreat Itinerary Includes:

Location for one of our huachuma hikes!

Location for one of our huachuma hikes!

"“It was AMAZING! Totally life changing. I'm so glad I came. I'll never be the same.”
- Allison Pellisier, Retreat Participant
Meet Your Huachumeros

Taita Oswal is a Father, Husband and medicine man who comes from the Andes mountains of Ecuador where huachuma grows. He serves the medicine alongside his wife, Joann.
I consider Oswal and Joann my "medicine parents"... they have guided and held me so beautifully and powerfully along my journey of learning about the spirit of Love and the teachings of huachuma.
I love their love and so deeply admire and appreciate the way they walk this life... with so much love, integrity, the spirit of service, and honoring family as sacred. I respect the way they embody and live the wisdom of huachuma.
It is a profound honor and joy for me to have them with us for this retreat, facilitating the huachuma ceremonies, despacho, integration sessions, and more!
Oswal + Joann Pomaquiza
The Magic of The Sacred Valley of Peru

Powerful Energetic Field
The Sacred Valley emanates a “Heaven on Earth” frequency that supports spiritual evolution and connection with God and Pachamama. The UV index is extremely high in the Sacred Valley... as our environment is powerfully illuminated, so is our consciousness. The environment of light that the Sacred Valley offers is uniquely conducive to inner illumination and clarity.
Sacred Connection to Pachamama
Here in the Sacred Valley there is a very strong indigenous influence where people never stopped praying to our mother earth. Thousands of years of continuous prayer offered to these lands has weaved a 'sacred' frequency here... these lands are well-loved, consciously tended to, and continuously prayed to. Human consciousness is powerful, and thousands of years of positive prayerful projections towards these mountains and lands makes it easy to sense and experience their sacred power.
The mountains here are referred to as "apus", which is also the Quechua word for "God". The apus are seen as protectors and providers, creating an environment of sacred sanctuary and spiritual support in the Sacred Valley.
Fertile Land
The Sacred Valley’s fertile soil nourishes more than just crops; it’s a land rich in prana, transmitting vibrant life-force.
Powerful Support
In this potent, clear and expansive energetic field, there’s less effort required to connect with your own energetic essence, God, and Pachamama, making it easier to drop into depths of presence and connection, and open to healing and transformation.

Testimonial by Kristen Such

Spiritual Mentor & Host of The Alignment Academy Podcast

"I'm here in Peru on cloud 9 after Daniela's retreat, coming out an entirely different person. I don't even know words that can describe the level of transformation and depth that has occurred here. If there's one person who's retreat I'm going to go on, it's Daniela's! She is the real deal. She is a teacher to me... and has taught me so much."
- Sahara Rose
Host of The Highest Self Podcast & author of Discover Your Dharma

You’ll be staying in one of the most
beautiful, luxurious homes in all of Pisac!
Pisac is a large village within the Sacred Valley of the Incas. It's surrounded by incredible hikes & sacred ruins, has a large spiritual community, many amazing restaurants, and is the closest to Cusco airport - only 50 minutes away.
The home has a large yard with sheep, a garden, and beautiful views of the surrounding Andes mountains. 🥰

"The space that you held was so special and potent. I could feel the experience and love from you and I never once felt afraid or concerned. That was really important to me as I experienced this medicine for the first time. It was one of the most profound and beautiful experiences of my life... thank you."
-Belle Paniagua-Novak, retreat participant

$4,888 USD
Enjoy your own large master bedroom, king-sized bed and your own bathroom
$4,444 USD
Enjoy your own small room, twin-sized bed and your own bathroom
$3,888 USD
Enjoy a shared room with 1 other person, twin-sized bed and a shared bathroom
Payment plans available - inquire in your application.

"I went to Daniela’s Akashic Huachuma retreat and it completely changed my life! I had just gone through a painful breakup and was feeling stuck in my life at the time… Thanks to Daniela’s channelings and guidance on how to access Akashic Perspective, I was able to break free of many mental limitations that were holding me back & allow myself to move forward and welcome in a whole new reality and life! The Huachuma ceremonies in the retreat were beautifully facilitated and the hikes we went on were absolutely gorgeous. I received deep heart healing & transformation around my belief systems from each Huachuma Ceremony. This retreat truly changed many of my perspectives of life and myself, inviting me more deeply into my true power & light!
Daniela is an absolutely incredible channel and I highly recommend working with her. She is who I go to when I am struggling to see myself & life clearly, as I know I can trust her to lovingly reflect back to me the ultimate truth & highest perspective of whatever it is I am experiencing to help me move beyond my own victimhood and forward in my life in a more aligned way. Daniela is beautifully anchored in unconditional love and always shows up 100% to support her friends and clients however she can. Her deep connection to the Akashic Records is not only felt within sessions with her, but throughout the way she moves through life as well. She is a true embodiment of her teachings & a beautiful leader of love during these times on our planet!"
- Dani Rhem

"This retreat facilitated one of the biggest openings of my spiritual journey!
...I not only felt safe and guided the entire time, but empowered to really dive deep within some dark and ripe places in my psyche.
I noticed that the way Daniela holds space and teaches, is seamless with the way she relates to life and others in general - with this crystalline kind of presence that inspires intimacy, openness, and vulnerability. The way that she 'sees' the purest and biggest possibilities that we each hold is incredible, and she is SO generous with sharing about these perspectives that feel like a mini catalyst each time....
...Daniela created this Neptunian container and unified field of consciousness where I felt our group could really come together as an oceanic whole, and we could experience a healthy sense of independence and interdependence. Everyone that was a part of the group came with open hearts, open minds, and creative spirits that also helped make the experience as potent as it was. By the end, we were all fully supporting each other in shining a light on parts of our lives that were ready to be known. We were mostly operating from a psychic space, where we didn't need to talk about specific things in order for them to be known, we could just feel them in the collective unconscious. It was fascinating to feel what it's like to live from this way of being, as it's something that I feel is a lost art within our overculture.
...the ripple effects I've experienced not only in my life but in the lives of those around me since coming back home. I learned so much about the power of prayer, the realness of our psychic abilities as a human species, the support of the Earth as a motherly guide, connected more than ever to my ancestors, and as if my heart has been washed away clean. I'm so looking forward to future retreats and fully recommend those who are interested in this path to join!"
- Stefanie Sundara
“The obvious heartfelt care and planning of all logistics and details was amazingly impressive and awesome! Anything I could say about the retreat is indeed an understatement… My understanding, experience, intention, energy, joy, peace and love about life will never be as it was before the retreat. The love, trust and connection to my new family will never diminish. I only need stop and remember every person there to be reminded that we are all love, spirit, connection and one with one another and that absolutely is the truth of everyone and all existence! I now get to feel to my core that we are one with all humanity, all life in nature, the wind, the water, well, the whole of all. It is a very nice philosophy to say but to actually now feel and be that is what is beyond words. Most of all the gratitude of every moment to Daniela and the sacred medicine for their unwavering commitment and knowing of the intention of serving and loving for others is the magical formula to living in true, pure purpose. My gratitude to Spirit and Daniela will never leave my heart. Whenever I falter in my own story I only need to ask Spirit "How may I serve you?" Thank you from my whole being and heart!"
- Randal Harris
"Daniela's Perú retreat was one of the most magical experiences I’ve ever had. From being nurtured in the most grounding home to being fully seen and accepted by my fellow sisters, I felt as though I could fully embody my true authenticity and allow myself to explore more layers of my truth. On day one we all sat in ceremony to express our intentions for our self and the week. Daniela handpicked the group through her intuition and by doing so we all came together on a similar mission for our week together.
Daniela has a way of teaching how to work with the Akashic Records that makes it feel so easily accessible and available. Being guided through this training and able to practice on one another deepened my connection with the spirit realm in such a beautiful way. I continue to work with the records in my daily life and with my spiritual life coaching clients.
All of the events were perfectly curated to the group and our intentions for the weekend. All the facilitators from vocal activation, to the cacao and ecstatic dance ceremony, to the temazcal made me feel safe and able to open. Sitting with the sacred medicine of huachuma was the most beautiful ceremony in the mountains of kinsa cocha. The reverence for the sacred valleys lands by all those who have come before us, imbued this place with magic, enabling me to find a level of connection with Pachamama that I had never experienced before. I feel a deep resonance with the sisters I met during this retreat and know we will be friends for a long time. I also feel a deep calling to make my way back to the sacred valley and her magical essence. Anyone searching for a beautiful curated and immensely held retreat should look no further than working with Daniela. She is a light in this world."
- Catherine Crawford

Participant's responses to an anonymous feedback survey sharing their experiences on retreat