What if you could receive psychic, channeled insight into the nature of you and the circumstances of your life?
A session with Daniela is a combination of energy alignment, channeling of higher perspective, and psychic insight. Every session is different and a co-creation between her and the person receiving.
What you may experience in a session with Daniela:
An illuminating / enlightening perspective of yourself and the circumstances of your life.
An elevation and expansion of consciousness through calibrating you to a higher perspective. This expands what you believe is possible for you, which opens the doors of possibility to you.
An activation of your psychic sight and innate intuitive ability.
An increase in love for self, life, and others.
An increase in trust in God and deepening in your relationship with God.
Liberation from limiting beliefs and a restoration of Divine truth / remembering within.
A reconciling of the past and embracing of the possibility and potential of the now.
A movement of stagnant energy and an opening of your energetic channels.
And so much more! Much is possible to experience through these sessions.
"…It’s impossible to put such a beautiful life-changing experience into words (the Akashic Metamorphosis Training). The love and empowerment Daniela helps you ignite within yourself is truly transformational. Instead of making you feel you have to rely on her or a guru figure, she makes you realize that you are 'that' person. From this experience my view on life has changed along the possibilities that can materialize. I couldn’t recommend a more compassionate and loving person to either train with or get readings from!”
- Zoe Koritsas
How would your life change if you began to perceive life as it is seen through the eyes of the Divine?