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Daniela Gil Akashic Metamorphosis

A 6 month online training & group mentorship on:

✨ Accessing + Channeling the Akashic Records;

✨ Psychic + Intuitive Development;

✨ Cultivating Your Relationship with the Divine;

✨ and God-led Business Development.

Starting April 24th, 2025

Mandala GOLD

"…It’s impossible to put such a beautiful life-changing experience into words. The love and empowerment Daniela helps you ignite within yourself is truly transformational..."

-Zoe Koritsas

Akashic Metamorphosis Graduate

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Awaken to Your Divine Design

Akashic Metamorphosis is an invitation to reclaim the Divine creative power and wisdom within you. Through this training, you’ll transcend the limitations of human conditioning, dissolve distorted perceptions, and begin to see life through the loving, expansive lens of your true Divine nature. Accessing the Akashic Records connects you to God’s mind, heart, and spirit, cultivating a state of love, peace, faith, and fulfillment that transforms every aspect of life.
Daniela Gil Akashic Metamorphosis
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Develop Your Divine Channel

Your Divine channel is your unique connection to the mind, heart and spirit of God. Through your own unique connection to God, you can access higher knowing, greater love, and infinite creative possibilities for your life and all your relations in ways you may never have imagined possible.


Learn How to Share Your Channel with Integrity

Learn to share your channeling gifts in a way that honours and empowers others. Throughout the training, you’ll share your channel and spiritual gifts with members of the Akashic Metamorphosis community including current students, graduates and trained practitioners to build your confidence and sharpen your channel.

Cultivate Your Spiritual Gifts & Creative Power

Awaken your psychic gifts and learn how to work with your Divine channel in ways that bring Divine insight and transformative energy into your daily life. This sacred practice empowers you to shape a life that is rich in love, joy, and meaning.


Let Go of What No Longer Serves You

Let go of limiting beliefs and distorted perceptions, allowing Divine wisdom to flow through you and uplift every area of your life. Discover a sense of peace and clarity that brings purpose and fulfillment into all that you do.

Transform Your Life through Divine Communion

Cultivate a life-changing practice that continuously brings more love, peace, and Divine alignment into your life. When you align with God’s love, blessings, and creative power, everything in your life has the potential to transform and expand.

Cultivate Lasting Inner Peace and Clarity

Release the noise and clutter of the mind, creating a foundation of peace and centeredness that endures beyond the training. Experience clarity and calm in the face of life’s challenges, knowing you are guided and aligned with the Divine.


Receive Mentorship on Spiritual Business Development

Get guidance on building a prosperous, spiritually-aligned business, with support for developing your unique offerings, marketing, and creating abundance through your service to others.​​

Anchor Spiritual Practices into Your Daily Life

Receive practical tools to bring the sacred into the everyday. This training will help you create a rhythm that integrates Divine communion seamlessly into your life.


Join a Soul-Family Community

Be held in a sacred circle of like-hearted souls that serve as an energetic container to catalyze, support, and hold your metamorphosis.

Learn from Masterful Mentors
Receive guidance from spiritual teachers who have profoundly impacted my own journey, adding to the wealth of value to support you in this training.

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Mandala GOLD

"Daniela's Akashic Metamorphosis training has been the most expansive, joyful, clearing, centering and amplifying training of my life."

-Allison Pelissier

Akashic Metamorphosis Graduate

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As extensions & expressions of God...
As integral aspects of this infinite, miraculous universe....

We are all innately endowed with Divine creative power and privy to Divine wisdom.

By God’s design, we are Divine. 

*Everything* in our lives changes when we cultivate communion with God.

Much of our human conditioning has us living in limitation, perceiving life through a lens full of distortion, and oblivious to our Divine design. 

Psychic development, channeling the Akashic Records, and attuning to your Divine design (dharma) allows you to transcend the limitations & distortions of the human mind and come into closer resonance with the mind, heart, and spirit of God.

This practice of coming into the elevated, expanded state of consciousness necessary to channel Divine insight can also be referred to as "accessing the Akashic Records".

It’s a practical, powerful practice that brings the love, peace, faith and fulfillment that many seek through the manifestations of this human life, but can only be found through communion with God. Through communion with God, God's love, blessings, and creative power and potential can manifest in our lives in ways that bring true and lasting love, peace and fulfillment. 

Accessing and channeling Divine insight is a practice that catalyzes spiritual growth and healing; facilitates miracles; supports aligned manifestation; and so much more!

Mandala GOLD

"…If you feel called to this training, trust there is a reason. Everyone’s experience is so deeply personal, and the gifts continue on long after the course is complete.  The possibilities (from taking this training) are truly infinite!”

- Sara Hopman
Akashic Metamorphosis Graduate
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Michael Armstrong

Michael Armstrong, acclaimed as a Soul Awakener, empowers people in rediscovering the gifts of their soul, enabling them to shine in their innate brilliance. 

His journey began in the world of technology. As a pioneering tech entrepreneur, Michael founded multiple startups, successfully sold a company, and spoke about the evolution of social media at tech conferences. 

His life took a profound turn following a spiritual awakening, guiding Michael away from the tech world and into the infinite potential of the human soul. His teachings gained widespread interest and enthusiasm, amassing a community of over one million followers and landing him on the BBC and New Earth Era documentary. 

Michael is deeply committed to assisting coaches, healers, and conscious creators in articulating their soul's essence through social media and building thriving businesses around their true purpose.

Michael Armstrong
.... Daniela's offerings are an experience of divine grace, profound wisdom  and transformational love. I have experienced both her readings and Akashic Practitioner Training and could not recommend them enough if you are looking to further your spiritual journey, align more to your higher self and connect deeply and effortlessly with source.

The Akashic Metamorphosis training has allowed me to experience an incredible flow of divine insight, perspective and high vibrational energy, on a consistent, daily basis. Accessing the Akashic Records allows me to experience greater alignment, high states of bliss and harmony and receive invaluable insight  into my life and the lives of others. It is an immensely helpful skill to have on one’s own personal spiritual journey and if you desire, to help others on theirs..."

- Amber Rose


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Live calls include: teaching transmissions; guided meditations to activate your psychic sight and access to the Akashic Records; practices to open and develop your channel; channeled Q+A; and more!
The live calls will be weekly, on Thursdays, at varying times to accommodate all time zones.
Upon registration you will share your availability & Daniela will schedule calls at varying times to accommodate the most people.
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Online learning portal with videos, PDFs, prompts and practices to support the development of both your spiritual gifts/channel and your spiritual business.

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The training includes access to an online community portal where you will have the opportunity to submit personal questions, be supported, share, and connect with your Akashic Metamorphosis community.

This training is deeply transformational and designed for the devoted practitioner desiring to live in accordance with Divine wisdom.

Register For AM


Early Bird Pay in Full Special



- Register before February 28th, 2025 for over 50% off.


Early Bird Bonus: Receive access to call recordings to begin learning and practicing now!


- Live class begins April 2025

Early Bird Payment Plan



- Register before February 28th, 2025 for $222/month off the regular price.


Early Bird Bonus: Receive access to call recordings to begin learning and practicing now!

- Live class begins April 2025

*Please note that there are no refunds for this training (no one has ever asked). 

By enrolling, you are agreeing that your registration is backed by your commitment.

Like all life’s endeavors, what you put into this practice is what you’ll receive.

Akashic practice is a radically life-changing practice that changes your life through your practicing of it. 

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Channeling Divine wisdom, love and guidance, and living accordingly, brings God's love, blessings, and miracles into our lives.

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The practices shared in this training are life-changing. In my personal experience training hundreds, the results of getting to know the mind, heart, and spirit of God through channeling cannot be imagined or explained, only lived!

'With God, all things are possible.'

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I'd love to share this practice with you and welcome you to Akashic Metamorphosis!

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By Daniela Gil

God / Spirit (choose a word to describe the Divine),

Support me in coming into an elevated, expanded state of consciousness,

So that I may become one with your perspective.


Set aside the totality of my personality,

(say silently to yourself whatever may arise for you that could impede the flow of insight and energy),


So that I may serve as a clear channel for your divine love, insight, and energy.


*Allow me to see myself as I am seen in the light of the Akashic Records,

*Help me to know myself as I am known in the mind of God / your word for the Divine.

*And enable me to share Your communication Spirit / God with Your clarity and Your love.

And so it is,

The Akashic Records are now open.

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By Daniela Gil

Thank you, God / Spirit / Life, for this sacred transmission.

Thank you for enabling me to serve as a channel of your love, insight, and energy.

May all be integrated with ease and grace to serve my life and the lives of all connected me.


And so it is.

The Akashic Records are now closed,



Q + A

    Accessing Akashic Perspective refers to the practice of coming into an elevated, expanded state of consciousness and channeling wisdom, guidance, and divine healing energy from the “Akashic Records”. The Akashic Records are an energetic compendium of everything that has ever happened, is happening, and could happen. They contain within them the story of your soul from its birth until now and all future possibilities. I experience the Akashic Records as the ‘knowing’ or ‘remembering’ of all that is, has been, and could be. I often use the term “accessing Akashic Perspective” instead of “accessing the Akashic Records” because my personal experience of glimpsing into the Akashic Records has felt incomprehensible to my human mind.. I experience it as a mind-boggling awareness of the totality of the big bang, eternally expanding out into infinity, and encompassing all universes, beings, perspectives, experiences, all time and space, and so much more. So, I often describe this practice as “accessing Akashic Perspective” because that feels like a more accurate description of what it is I’m doing and training others to do. “Akasha” is the Sanskrit word for ‘ethers’ or ‘space’ – the primordial element. Akasha is what birthed the big bang, existed before all, and holds pure potentiality. Akashic Perspective is accessed by coming into a clear, receptive, elevated and expanded state of consciousness. This state enables us to transcend some of the limitations of our everyday level of consciousness, including beliefs, conditioning, expectations based on past experiences, and the ways in which we’ve grown accustomed to using our senses. This state of consciousness allows us to perceive Divine (Akashic) perspective – and channel divine wisdom and guidance, explore psychic and intuitive knowing, receive and transmit high frequency energy, communicate with ethereal beings (like our guides, angels, loved ones in spirit), work more intimately with the field of pure potentiality, and more.
    ✨ An enlightening perspective of yourself, your life’s circumstances, and anything or anyone you ask about in your session. Day in and day out, many of us peer through a lens distorted by beliefs, memories, expectations, judgments, and more. Seeing through a clear lens – one free from these distortions and in greater resonance with the perspective of the Akash – is a liberating, empowering experience that catalyzes: growth, changes in beliefs and behaviors; and the manifestation of new life circumstances and ways of being. ✨ Revelatory insight in response to your questions and inquiries. ✨ Illumination of the subconscious beliefs, behaviors and choices that are creating the undesirable circumstances in your life. ✨Clarity that clients often describe as feeling lighter, with greater enthusiasm for their lives, clearer direction, and that “anything is possible”. ✨ A liberation from limiting beliefs and movement of stagnant energy. ✨ A reconciling of the past and embracing of the possibility and potential of the now. ✨ A transmission of high vibrational energy that naturally alleviates you of lower vibrational beliefs, behaviors, blockages and more. This energy is often tangibly felt and can be experienced in a myriad of ways. It has been described by clients as feeling like divine love, ecstasy, or deep peace. At times it can work in more purgative and clearing ways, bringing forth discomfort, nausea, crying or laughter and other forms of release. Goosebumps, moving into spontaneous kriya, deep emotional releases, recollection of old or repressed memories arising for reconciliation … all are normal parts of this healing experience. These sessions are multidimensional activations that work in magical, mysterious ways. Every session is different and always a co-creation between the person facilitating and the person receiving. Your trust, faith, and receptivity, met with my presence, faith, and the potency through which I share the transmissions – can facilitate miracles. Generally, these sessions change what people believe is possible for them, which changes what is possible for them. Clients often experience discernible, lasting shifts in their perspective, beliefs, and behaviors. Continued work with Akashic Perspective elevates everyday level of consciousness which facilitates all sorts of life changes. Feeling called to experience a one-on-one Akashic session? You can book here!
    Consider what your intention is and what you’d like to explore. You can ask anything! I recommend not Googling ‘what to ask about in an Akashic Records reading’ and instead, tuning into your own heart and asking yourself what presently feels important, significant and relevant for you to explore. What do you spend your time thinking about and giving your energy to? Is there something you’d like greater clarity around? A circumstance that you’d like guidance on? Or an area in your life where you feel stuck? I recommend giving yourself ample time beforehand to drop into a relaxed, receptive state. Ideally, you will have some spaciousness in your schedule the day of your reading so that you can integrate your experience however you most feel called to.. perhaps by journaling, relaxing, napping, taking action around what comes through in the reading, connecting with nature, engaging in an activity that cultivates presence and moves energy like yoga, dance, or breathwork.. whatever feels most aligned to you! Create a quiet space where you will be undisturbed throughout our time together and free of distractions so that you can be fully present with the session. Sessions are shared via Zoom and you’ll receive your Zoom link (and instructions for downloading Zoom if you’re new to it) upon scheduling. It’s up to you whether you’d like to have a video Zoom call or audio only!
    Only what is relevant, empowering, and healing for you to know will be revealed and shared. You will receive what you are meant to receive at the time you are meant to receive it. These sessions are offered with the intent of empowering you, so “Should I…” type of questions will not be directly answered as Akashic perspective will not tell you what to do or make decisions for you. You’re here to create through the choices you make! Akashic perspective can, however, reveal to you the root cause of your indecision by bringing to light the unconscious factors at play that may be creating a lack of clarity, fear of making your most aligned decision, or whatever may be blocking you from proceeding with trust. Sometimes, people come to these sessions wanting to know what is going to happen in their lives and when. However, an integral Akashic session empowers your creative capacity and reveals boundless possibility. It does not assert one sole destiny, destined to play out at one time in one way. In my early years of working with Akashic perspective, I regularly shared future predictions that turned out to be spot on! But as I’ve grown and evolved in my work, I’ve stepped away from ‘fortune telling’. I now work with future predictions by perceiving future likelihoods based on your current vibration (which is determined by your thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, etc – all that you do and all that you are) and your relationship with life / God / the Divine (essentially, the One you are creating your future with), and then sharing insights, blessings, and activations that help you heal your relationship with life / God / the Divine. This empowers you to live your best life by becoming aware of what is yours to create and cultivating the courage and consciousness to create it, while accepting and embracing what is yours to work with, and not necessarily change. Akashic perspective reveals infinite possibility and potential, but not necessarily that anything is possible, as there are certain laws and karmic influences guiding the unfolding of life that have already been established, and are ours to co-create with and live by. So while there is no one assured destiny in terms of what is going to happen and when, there are certain likelihoods and trends that we can become aware of and begin to work with more consciously, as well as ways of evolving and empowering our conscious creator-ship.
    Sometimes yes, often no. Nothing can be known or revealed before the appropriate time. Example: when a woman asked about meeting a life partner, what I felt and saw was that she could meet one soon in Hawaii. She had no plans or intentions to go to Hawaii and deemed it highly unlikely that she would travel there anytime soon. A few months later, she was invited to speak at a retreat in Hawaii. She would not be paid and only her expenses would be covered. Normally, she would say no to such an invitation, but because of what had been shared in her session, she said yes and met her beloved at the retreat! She shared the story with a friend who booked an Akashic session with me and asked the same question. Instead of receiving the specific information that the other woman received, the reading revealed that she was playing out patterns of emasculating men and not trusting love, and needed to experience a shift in her approach and relationship to love, partnership and the masculine in order to become a vibrational match to the relationship she was desiring. She was not told when she might meet him or where because that information was not relevant or empowering for her to receive at that time. As human beings we opt into a certain level of amnesia so that we may experience the mystery, believability, and fullness (with all its emotions, intensity, and drama) of the human experience. So it’s possible that not all questions can or will be answered the way you may want them to be answered.
    This is common but know that there is nothing to fear! You’ll be perceived and received with unconditional love and acceptance, as this is the lens through which all seen through Akashic Perspective. Only that which your soul wants you to know and experience will be shared. And everything you share will be held with utmost love, honor, and confidentiality. If at any point during the session you do not feel it is a worthy and valuable investment, you are welcome to a full refund.
    I come into an elevated, expanded state of consciousness that allows me to transcend some of the limitations of my everyday level of consciousness (including my ego/mind/personality and all the beliefs, expectations, projections, etc that come with it); connect with a higher (Akashic) perspective and energy; and serve as clear, receptive channel for the insight, guidance, and divine healing energy that this perspective offers. I’ve spent many years in this lifetime and what feels like an eternity worth of lifetimes cultivating this gift and working with it! I feel that all have the innate capacity to access a higher perspective and all bear valuable spiritual gifts, and one of my greatest gifts is initiating others into accessing Akashic perspective and the realization of these gifts. Astrologers often tell me I’m ‘the most psychic chart they’ve ever seen’, with my Sun, Moon, North Node and Venus in Pisces, Jupiter at my midheaven, and other aspects that point to psychic and spiritual ability. I’m also a Manifestor in human design – my energy naturally initiates and catalyzes change. I’ve always been very sensitive, intuitive, and psychically inclined. You can read more about my story here. From the first time I said a prayer to access Akashic Perspective, I knew that it was my soul’s mission to share this insight and energy, as well as initiate others into this work. I don’t typically remember what is explored in these sessions. It’s not like having a regular conversation with me, as I’m in a non-ordinary state of consciousness, and what comes through does not often register with my human mind/memory. So returning clients, please note that I may have to be reminded of what we’ve explored in previous sessions!
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